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Questions and Answers 2008

Sunday 27 April 2008

What is the Awakening? (click here to find out more)

We incarnate with no memories or direction,
everyone reawakens at the
right time for them.

Some Symptoms Of Energy Shifts

Flu-like symptoms
Nausea, loose bowel movements, diarrhea
Muscle aches and joint pain
Crying for no reason, and feeling emotionally vulnerable
Fluttering, pain in the heart area, or breathing problems
Hot flashes and night and day sweats
Extreme tiredness
Excessive energy
Weight gain
Losing your memory or feeling spacey
Extreme sensitivity
Blowing light bulbs and electronics
Animal reactions
Food changes

Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening.

1. Changing sleep patterns
2. Activity at the crown
3. Sudden waves of emotion
4. Old "stuff" seems to be coming up
5. Changes in weight
6. Changes in eating habits
7. Food intolerances, allergies you never had before
8. Amplification of the senses
9. Skin eruptions
10. Episodes of intense energy followed by periods of lethargy
and fatigue
11 Changes in prayer and meditation
12. Power surges
13. A range of physical manifestations
14. Looking younger
15. Vivid dreams
16. Events that completely alter your life
17. A desire to break free from restrictive patterns, life- draining
consumptive lifestyles, and toxic people or situations
18. Emotional and mental confusion
19. Introspection, solitude and loss of interest in more extraverted
20. Creativity bursts
21. A perception that time is accelerating
22. A sense of impendingness
23. Impatience
24. A deep yearning for meaning, purpose,
spiritual connection, and revelation
25. A sense that you are somehow different
26. "Teachers" appear everywhere
27. You find a spiritual track that makes sense to you
28. You are moving through learning and personal issues
at a rapid pace
29. Invisible presences
30. Portents, visions, "illusions", numbers and symbols
31. Increased integrity
32. Harmony with seasons and cycles
33. Electrical and mechanical malfunctions
34. Increased synchronicity and many other small miracles
35. Increased intuitive abilities
altered states of consciousness
36. Communication with Spirit
37. A sense of Oneness with all
38. Moments of joy and bliss
39. Integration
40. Living with purpose
41. Feeling closer to animals, rock, and plants
42. Seeing beings of other dimensions
43. Seeing a person's true form
44. Physically manifesting thoughts and desires
45. Left-brain fogginess
46. Dizziness
47. Falling, having accidents, breaking bones
48. Heart palpitations
49. Faster hair and nail growth
50. A desire to find your soul mate or twin flame
51. Memories surface
52. Other chakra openings

Signs of Your Awakening Divinity

Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back.
Crying for no apparent reason
Sudden change in job or career.
Unusual sleep patterns.
Intense dreams
Physical disorientation.
Increased "self talk."
Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others.
Loss of passion.
A deep longing to go “Home”.

Are you feeling the Quickening?

Ancient prophecies predicted it.
Indigenous traditions honor it.
Changes within the Earth are affecting our sleep patterns,
relationships,the ability to regulate your immune system and
your perception of time.
We are living a process of initiation that was demonstrated
over 2,000 years ago,
preparing you to accept tremendous change within your body.

That change is happening now.

Some Possible Effects Of The Changes.

· Migraine headaches, tiredness
· Electrical sensations in the limbs and spinal column
· Cramps in the muscular networks
· Flu like symptoms
· Intense dreams.
· The human body will become more sensitive
as a result of the new vibrations.
· The resonance of Earth (Schumann Resonance) has been 7.8Hz
for thousands of years.
Since 1980 it has risen to over 12Hz.
This means that 16 hours now equate to a 24 hour day.
Time is speeding up!
· The physical body has already begun to change.
A new light body is being created.
· Our DNA is being re-programmed from the Universe
(as predicted in the Mayan Prophecy).
We are going from 2 strand back to 12 strand DNA.
· Greater intuitive and healing abilities will emerge.
· Eyes will become cat like in order to adjust
to the new atmosphere and light.
· All newly born children will probably be telepathic at birth.
· All plagues of the 90's, including AIDS will be gone.

Are You Going With The Flow?

There is a flow and cycle for all things including life itself:
birth,death and rebirth. Emotions, creativity, and our bodies
all have their own cycle, too.
In the world, signs direct us on our way in life.
Traffic lights tell us to walk (or not),
geese fly south ushering in the coming winter,
and our soul urges us to follow its calling in any
given moment.
We know how to read these signs of nature, weather and
they help to guide us on our journey.
When you allow yourself
to sink into the natural rhythm of life, you know it.

12 Signposts Of Spiritual Development

1. A tendency to think and act spontaneously
rather than on fears based on pastexperience.

2. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.

3. A loss of interest in judging other people.

4. A loss of interest in judging self.

5. A loss in interest in interpreting the actions of others.

6. A loss of interest in conflict.

7. A loss of ability to worry.

8. Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation.

9. Frequent attacks of smiling.

10. An increased tendency to let things happen,
instead of making them happen.

11. An increasing susceptibility to the love extended by others.

12. The uncontrollable urge to extend love to others yourself.

We Are The New Civilization

We are here.
We are waking up now,
out of the past, to dream a bigger dream.
We are friends and equals,
we are diverse and unique,
and we're united for
something bigger than our differences.
We believe in freedom and cooperation,
abundance and harmony.
We are a culture emerging,
a renaissance of the essence of humanity.
We find our own guidance
and we discern our own truth.
We go in many directions
and yet we refuse to disperse.
We have many names,
we speak many languages.
We are local.
We are global.
We are in all regions of the world.
We're everywhere in the air.
We are universe being aware of itself.
We are the wave of evolution.
We are in every child's eyes.
We face the unknown with wonder
and excitement.
We are messengers from the future,
living in the present.
We come from silence,
and we speak our truth.
We cannot be quieted
because our voice is within everyone.
We have no enemies,
no boundaries can hold us.
We respect the cycles
and expressions of nature,
because we are nature.
We don't play to win,
we play to live and learn.
We act out of inspiration,
love and integrity.
We explore, we discover,
we feel, and we laugh.
We are building a world
that works for everyone.
We endeavor to live our lives
to their fullest potential.
We are independent,
self-sufficient and responsible.
We relate to each other in peace,
with compassion and respect,
We unite in community.
We celebrate the wholeness
within and around us all.
We dance to the rhythm of creation.
We weave the threads of the new times.

We are the new civilization.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Hi Katie, you are a great advert for your philosophy. It shows in your youthful face and in you sense of fun and humour. It would be so good to let go of my fears and worries and connect genuinely with the world and others.....Vicki