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Questions and Answers 2008

Tuesday 29 April 2008

God and I are One.

I Believe God and I are One, There is no separation in the Universe, There is "enough" of all that we need on earth to live our lives in peace and harmony and happiness. I believe that Divinity does not judge, and neither does It condemn or punish. I believe that I/We have been given the power by God to create our own reality, individually and collectively, and that we could do so if only we used that power. I believe that the world itself can change if humanity will but explore and examine new ideas about God, about life, and about each other. I believe that the Universe was intended to be a friendly place, that human beings were intended to be loving creatures, and that life was intended to be a joyous experience, and that it is possible to create all these things in that image if we focus our energies together on a common goal. I am committed to creating a New Tomorrow, a new future for the beings of this planet, a future in which our children and our children's children will feel safe, self-realized, and loved by life. I am committed to creating the space of possibility for a New Spirituality to emerge upon the earth. I am committed to creating a Civil Rights Movement for the Soul, freeing humanity at last from the oppression of its belief in a violent, angry, and vindictive God, and from all the human behaviors those beliefs produce. I am committed to creating New Realities in my life and in my world. I understand that one problem with the world today is that the civil are not organized and the organized are not civil. I choose to change that. I am acting immediately--now, not someday soon; now, not in a moment or two; now, in this moment--with intention, power, and speed to implement an Action Plan to Change Our World. I am acting--because not to act would be an abdication of the trust that today's children have placed in me. I am acting because not to act would be a statement of Who I Am that I cannot accept. I am acting not instead of being, but as a demonstration of being. And just what am I being? A Creator. I am being a Creator of New Realities. Realities that I choose, not Realities that are chosen for me.

This is my Truth but its not written by Me and I can't remember who wrote it, any suggestions anyone?

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